Service & Support

Material handling equipment is designed to be used for 10 to 20 years. Daifuku provides both preventive and corrective maintenance services to support the stable operation of your equipment so that it can always perform at its best.

1. Types of maintenance & Service menu

Generally, equipment maintenance is divided into preventive maintenance and corrective maintenance, with each having its own merits and demerits. In addition, the speed of wear and tear on machinery and equipment differs between customers who operate eight hours a day and those who operate 24 hours a day, and so do their service requirements. Daifuku offers a combination of preventive and corrective maintenance services to meet the operational needs of each customer.

Type of maintenance Definition Pros & Cons Our Service Menu
Preventive Time-based Maintenance
Inspect, repair, replace parts, and renew at regular intervals.
  • Reduced sudden accidents
  • Minimized downtime
  • Levelized maintenance costs
  • Extended equipment life
  • Periodic inspection
  • Retrofitting
  • Overhaul
Condition-based Maintenance
Monitor the real-time condition of equipment to determine what maintenance to perform.
  • 24-hour remote monitoring
  • Parts life monitoring
Corrective Repair each time a failure occurs.
  • Sudden failures
  • Long downtime
  • Unexpected expense
  • Delayed business operations
  • 24-hour telephone support
  • Remote maintenance
  • On-site repair

2. Service System

Our service teams around the world are ready to support you. We provide regular inspections, recovery support, on-site repair, user training and spare parts.

  • 24-hour System Support Center in Japan

  • 24-hour Technical Support Center in USA

  • Service Training Center in China

Spare Parts Supply

The parts center located at the Shiga Plant has approximately 90,000 maintenance parts on hand. The center also has a dedicated repair team that can handle difficult repairs at customer sites. We also keep a regular stock of parts in our main offices around the world. In parallel, we recommend customers purchase and stock their own spare parts so that immediate action can be taken in case of a emergency.

  • Spare Parts Center in Japan

  • Spare Parts Center in Singapore

  • Spare Parts Center in China

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