Diversity and Inclusion

Basic Approach

As we develop our business in various regions around the world, it is essential for us to respect, recognize, and make the most of diversity in terms of race, creed, gender, religion, nationality, political opinion, disabilities, and other factors so that we can create new value and achieve sustainable growth. Enhancing the capabilities of each individual and demonstrating our strength as an organization will help us gain further trust from society, our customers, and other stakeholders.

Group Code of Conduct (extract)

5-2. Realize the potential of each employee

  • We will respect the diversity of individuals and create an environment in which each employee can demonstrate his or her full potential.
  • We will strive to fairly provide opportunities for employee development as needed and as appropriate.
  • We will strive to expand ourselves and each other's abilities and demonstrate our full potential.

Promotion System

The Human Resources and General Affairs Division is playing a central role in developing diversity-related systems and frameworks so that every one of our employees, with their diverse abilities and values, can maximize their potential. In addition, to facilitate employment of people with disabilities at Shiga Works, one of our production sites, we have established a department dedicated to expanding job opportunities for people with disabilities. In fiscal 2024, the Human Capital Management Subcommittee, which is established as a subcommittee of the Sustainability Promotion Committee, launched a new D&I project to promote an environment in which a diverse workforce can thrive.

Major Initiatives

Recruitment of diverse human resources

We are actively recruiting and promoting women, foreign nationals, and career hires. We hold a variety of follow-up events for female interns from the standpoint of women’s activities, such as roundtable discussions with female employees, and we are actively recruiting international students as well as directly from universities overseas. Additionally, as a measure for workplace retention of career hires, we conduct individual interviews with and provide training for career hires.

Promotion of women’s advancement

We recognize that the current challenges to women’s advancement include: (1) the training of female managers is inadequate, and (2) the number of female employees hired is not sufficient. Our basic approach is to increase the ratio of female hires and continue to focus on the cultivation of female managers. We are working to expand job opportunities and improve the employment environment so that women can play more active roles.

Achieving the target number of female managers

In order to promote the appointment of female managers, we have established special slots for promoting women to managerial positions. We have also established special slots for promoting women to assistant managerial positions, as assistant manager experience is a requirement for appointment to management positions. In addition, we have established the Women’s Leadership Development Program, which is designed to cultivate female candidates for managerial positions. The program helps participants acquire leadership skills and clarify their career visions, and we also provide training for the supervisors of participants on career development support for female employees. These initiatives are intended to increase the base of female management candidates by making employees aware of career paths to management positions and providing them with opportunities to improve their skills.

Developing an environment to promote work-life balance

We carry out surveys and analyze employee needs and reasons for leaving the company, and consider and implement specific measures to address these needs with the aim of creating an environment in which employees can easily balance their personal and professional lives even through life stage transitions and major life events. In fiscal 2021, we introduced a remote work system to support flexible and diverse work styles. In addition, we hold seminars for supervisors of employees returning to work after childcare leave or working shorter hours at their workplaces.

Number of female managersKPI

  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Number of female managers* 26 people (3.3%) 31 people (4.1%) 41 people (5.3%)
  • *The number of female employees in managerial positions is calculated based on the people who are the equivalent to section manager or higher.
  • *Figures are as of April 1 the following fiscal year (previously, figures as of March 31 the same fiscal year were disclosed). Past figures have also been changed retroactively to reflect this disclosure method.

Employment of persons with disabilities

We are working to expand job opportunities for people with disabilities at our main locations: Osaka Headquarters, Tokyo Head Office, Komaki Works, and Shiga Works. Our employment rate of people with disabilities in 2023 was 2.42%, while the legally mandated rate is 2.3%. We are actively promoting initiatives to ensure achievement of the legally mandated employment rate.

Employment rate of people with disabilitiesKPI

  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Employment rate of people with disabilities* 2.54% 2.48% 2.42%
  • *As of June 1

Activities of employees with disabilities

Roller assembly guidance

Roller assembly guidance

The Business Service Group, which belongs to Shiga Works, regularly recruits people with disabilities in cooperation with the Public Employment Security Office, employment advisors, and school personnel, etc. We have established our own training programs to develop human resources so that each individual can demonstrate his or her capabilities and continue to work in a rewarding way. By assessing aptitude through practical training over a period of about five years after entering the company, and by improving job skills in stages, we generate human resources who can play an active role in manufacturing and other fields in each of our business units.
Further, since 2019, we have been developing a rewarding work environment for employees with disabilities at the Work Happiness Farm in Kasugai City, Aichi Prefecture.

Male employees taking childcare leave

For male employees taking childcare leave, a video explaining the system and a handbook on maternity and childcare leave (fathers’ version) have been created and made available on our internal network. In addition, the Workstyle Reform Committee also promotes the taking of childcare leave for men from the members of each business unit.

Paternity leave acquisition rateKPI

  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Paternity leave acquisition rate* 27% 44% 65%
  • *Figures are based on the amended Child Care and Family Care Leave Act

Promotion of activities of senior workers

In fiscal 2021, with the aim of supporting highly motivated senior employees and passing on techniques and skills to the next generation, we shifted from a re-employment system to a system that allows regular employment until the age of 65. In accordance with this, the renumeration standard after age 60 has also been revised, and regular benefit plans can continue to be applied until age 65. In fiscal 2023, we held a seminar for employees who would reach the age of 60 during fiscal 2024. Additionally, beginning in fiscal 2024, we have defined senior employees over the age of 60 as senior expert professionals who utilize their experience and expertise, and we have introduced an evaluation system based on roles and contributions as well as reviewed renumeration standards.

Diversity training

We hold training sessions on diversity, and videos of these sessions are distributed on the Sustainability Site of our internal network to encourage employee awareness and understanding. From 2024, we plan to expand the content related to diversity promotion in the rank-based training we currently provide.

Related Data

Total number of employees by region (as of March 31, 2024)

Employee data (Daifuku Co., Ltd.)

  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Regular employees Male 2,800 2,955 3,067
Female 402 420 442
Total 3,202 3,375 3,509
Non-regular employees Male 295 240 180
Female 136 133 127
Total 431 373 307
Average age Male 40.9 40.9 41.1
Female 41.6 42.3 42.4
Total 41.0 41.0 41.3
Average years of service Male 15.2 15.1 15.4
Female 14.4 14.5 14.5
Total 15.1 15.0 15.3


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