ESG Data

This page summarizes the main ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) data for the Daifuku Group's business activities.

E: Environmental

Type Item Scope Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
CO2 CO2 emissions (Scopes 1+2)*1 Global t-CO2 34,823 26,408 20,926
CO2 emissions Japan t-CO2 11,827 7,656 3,392
CO2 emissions Outside of Japan t-CO2 22,996 18,752 17,534
CO2 emissions per net sales Global t-CO2/¥100 million 6.8 4.4 3.4
Scope 1*1 Global t-CO2 9,684 10,511 8,804
Scope 1 Japan t-CO2 1,793 1,928 1,609
Scope 1 Outside of Japan t-CO2 7,891 8,583 7,195
Scope 2 Global t-CO2 25,139 15,897 12,122
Scope 2 Japan t-CO2 10,034 5,728 1,783
Scope 2 Outside of Japan t-CO2 15,105 10,169 10,339
Scope 3*2 Global t-CO2 1,960,740 2,363,344 2,115,601
Energy Energy consumption (production)*1 Global GJ 688,243 691,821 661,357
Energy consumption (non-production)*1 Global GJ 84,828 82,226 108,136
Electricity*1 Global GWh 60 58 59
Electricity derived from renewable energy sources Global GWh 5.9 16.9 32.1
Percentage of electricity derived from renewable energy sources Global % 9.8 29.1 54.0
Liquefied petroleum gas Global t 560 606 490
City gas Global Thousand m3 2,930 3,333 3,147
Type-A heavy oil Global kl 56 80 84
Kerosene Global kl 22 17 14
Gasoline Global kl 457 370 321
Light oil Global kl 89 67 42
Raw materials Steel Daifuku Co., Ltd. t 22,467 22,017 17,854
Aluminum material Daifuku Co., Ltd. t 2,022 2,472 1,591
Water resources Water consumption*3 Japan m3 104,139 99,057 86,589
Groundwater (well water)*3 Japan m3 55,847 51,366 39,992
Water supply, industrial water Japan m3 48,292 47,691 46,597
Surface water (rivers, lakes, seas) Japan m3 0 0 0
Water consumption*3 Outside of Japan m3 103,114 117,738 96,428
Water discharge Japan m3 104,139 96,611 78,360
Water use intensity Global Thousand m3/¥100 million 0.0405 0.0360 0.0299
Waste Waste generated (including valuable wastes)*4 Japan t 5,782 4,775 4,778
Waste generated (including valuable wastes)*5 Outside of Japan t 4,035 2,749 5,903
Landfill disposal*4 Japan t 37 29 32
Landfill disposal*5 Outside of Japan t 77 105 191
Recycling rate of waste (including valuable wastes)*5 Global % 97.1 95.3 95.6
Landfill disposal rate Japan % 0.6 0.6 0.7
Landfill disposal rate*5 Outside of Japan % 1.9 3.8 3.2
Other Soil and groundwater pollution status reported within plant grounds Japan Cases 0 0 0
Number of environment-related (including water-related) legal violations Japan Cases 0 0 0
Amount paid in fines for environmental-related (including water-related) legal violations Japan Million yen 0 0 0
  • *1We have adopted a more accurate aggregation method and revised the results for FY2021 (August 2023).
  • *2We have adopted a more accurate aggregation method and revised the results for FY2021-2023 (August 2024). The aggregation scope is listed on the Climate Change page.
  • *3Due to an error in the aggregation method, the results for FY2022 have been revised (August 2024).
  • *4Due to an error in the aggregation method, the results for FY2021 have been revised (August 2023).
  • *5Figures for FY2021 and FY2022 do not include data for North American locations.

S: Social

Type Item Scope Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Quality Number of serious accidents related to product or system safety Global Cases 0 0 0
Employment Number of employees Global People 12,436 13,020 13,071
Number of employees Daifuku Co., Ltd. People 3,202 3,375 3,509
Average age Daifuku Co., Ltd. Age 41.0 41.0 41.3
Average years of service Daifuku Co., Ltd. Years 15.1 15.0 15.3
Average annual salary Daifuku Co., Ltd. Yen 7,674,522 7,712,196 7,757,563
Ratio of women’s wages to men’s wages (all workers) Daifuku Co., Ltd. % 68.8 69.1
Ratio of women’s wages to men’s wages (regular employment) Daifuku Co., Ltd. % 76.5 76.3
Ratio of women’s wages to men’s wages (non-regular employment) Daifuku Co., Ltd. % 49.9 53.1
New graduate recruits*1 Daifuku Co., Ltd. People 94 103 104
Mid-career recruits Daifuku Co., Ltd. People 108 144 129
Ratio of female recruits Daifuku Co., Ltd. % 8.4 8.1 13.3
Number of female employees Daifuku Co., Ltd. People 402 420 442
Number of female managers*2
*as of April 1 the following fiscal year
Daifuku Co., Ltd. People 26 31 41
Ratio of women in management positions*2
*as of April 1 the following fiscal year
Daifuku Co., Ltd. People 3.3 4.1 5.3
Employment rate of people with disabilities
*As of June 1
Daifuku Co., Ltd. % 2.54 2.48 2.42
Training Employee training costs Japan Million yen 98.9 158.7 190.7
Training time per person Japan Hours 51.2 55.6 59.4
Number of days of training per person
*Calculated by converting the training hours into 7 hours and 45 minutes, which is the standard working hours per day.
Japan Days 6.6 7.2 7.7
Number of employees participating in compliance training
*Rank-based training
Japan People 235 243 264
Number of occupational safety and health trainees Japan People 1,627 2,161 1,885
Labor Paid leave acquisition rate Daifuku Co., Ltd. % 73.3 78.9 78.5
Maternity leave utilization Daifuku Co., Ltd. People 8 7 16
Childcare leave utilization rate (female) Daifuku Co., Ltd. % 100 100 100
Childcare leave utilization rate (male)*3 Daifuku Co., Ltd. % 27 44 65
Childcare short-time workday system utilization (female) Daifuku Co., Ltd. People 34 33 30
Childcare short-time workday system utilization (male) Daifuku Co., Ltd. People 1 0 0
Return to work rates after 6 months of maternity/childcare leave Daifuku Co., Ltd. % 100 100 96
Nursing care leave utilization Daifuku Co., Ltd. People 1 1 0
Turnover rate*4 Daifuku Co., Ltd. % 2.43 2.70 3.56
Safety*5 Frequency rate Japan 0.21 0.45 0.55
Frequency rate Outside of Japan 0.65 0.90 0.58
Severity rate Japan 0.002 0.006 0.016
Severity rate Outside of Japan 0.009 0.216 0.011
Employee fatalities Japan People 0 0 0
Employee fatalities Outside of Japan People 0 1 0
Communities Number of visitors to the Hini Arata Kan demo center*6 People 4,503 14,980 17,859
Amount spent for promoting social contribution activities (including donations) Daifuku Co., Ltd. Million yen 28.98 39.56 43.08
Donation amount to non-profit organizations Daifuku Co., Ltd. Million yen 3.23 3.25 15.43
Other R&D costs Global Million yen 10,735 10,496 11,264
  • *1Figures for FY2021 and FY2022 have been revised to reflect the change in data aggregation timing (August 2024).
  • *2Figures for FY2021 and FY2022 have been revised, as previous disclosures denoted data as of March 31 of the same fiscal year (August 2024).
  • *3Figures are based on the amendment to the Child Care and Family Care Leave Act.
  • *4Excludes retirees and employees who leave the company upon the conclusion of their contract period.
  • *5Data from January through December. These indicators are calculated including installation contractors.
  • *6We were temporarily closed to the general public in FY2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

G: Governance

Type Item Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Composition of the Board of Directors Number of directors People 9 9 10
Number of outside directors People 4 4 5
Number of female directors People 1 1 1
Number of foreign national directors People 0 0 1
Composition of the Audit & Supervisory Board Number of Audit & Supervisory Board members People 4 4 4
Number of outside Audit & Supervisory Board members People 3 3 3
Number of meetings Number of Board of Directors meetings (regular, irregular) Times 18 17 16
Number of Audit & Supervisory Board meetings Times 8 9 8
Advisory Committee for Nomination and Renumeration Times 5 7 9
Remuneration Directors
(outside directors)
Million yen 515(60) 576(60) 560(71)
Audit & Supervisory Board members
(outside members)
Million yen 77(30) 76(30) 79(34)
Other Whistleblowing cases Cases 6 17 14
Investor Relations (IR) coverage Companies 1,244 1,437 1,232


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