Workplace Environment

Basic Approach

In order to ensure a fair and open corporate culture and contribute to the growth of our customers and society, it is important to create an environment in which every employee—the primary actors in our activities—is able to work actively with a sense of job satisfaction and ease of work. As the mobility of human resources increases, providing attractive workstyles and systems for employees will help to secure talented human resources. We aim to enhance corporate value by providing a comfortable work environment and ensuring the health and well-being of our employees.

Daifuku Group Health and Productivity Management Declaration

In view of the importance of the physical and mental health of employees, we adopted the Declaration of Group Health Management in April 2018. We are implementing various health promotion policies and organize events based on health issues toward creating a more stimulating and healthy workplace environment.

  • Daifuku continuously promote activities to maintain and increase the physical and mental health of its employees. Considering the health of all associates as fundamentals to the sustainable growth of its business.
  • Daifuku strives to provide a comfortable and hygienic workplace environments with the aim of raising the quality of the work and the lives of each employee.
  • Daifuku, led by the Mental and Physical Health Promotion Committee, a company-wide organization encompassing corporate and industry medical practitioners and public health nurse and labor unions, promotes to raise health awareness and the work-life balance of its employees by implementing health promotion measures.

Promotion System

In order to create a comfortable and rewarding work environment, the following two cross-company committees have been established.

Workstyle Reform Committee

We established the Workstyle Reform Committee in fiscal 2017. Labor and management cooperate in activities to reduce overtime work and encourage employees to take paid leave with the aim of improving productivity and achieving work-life balance. In addition to three cross-business unit subcommittees for sales and engineering, manufacturing and design, and construction and service job categories, the Corporate Functions subcommittee has been established directly under the Committee to improve issues and share information according to the characteristics of each job category.

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Mental and Physical Health Promotion Committee

In fiscal 2006, we established the Mental and Physical Health Promotion Committee, a Group-wide, cross-departmental organization that includes the company, industrial physicians, public health nurses, the health insurance union, and the labor union, and we formulated a medium-term action plan to continue our efforts to advance our health and productivity management. We mainly plan events and promote various measures to encourage improvement in the physical and mental health of our employees.

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Major Initiatives

Workplace environment that motivates employees

Employee engagement

We define employee engagement as being satisfied with one's job, feeling an ease of work, and achieving a career in which employees and the Company can grow together, and we aim to improve each of these elements. In fiscal 2021, the Japan Group conducted an engagement survey and found areas of strength, such as being customer oriented and trusting management, while inter-organizational collaboration and support for individual employee career development were identified as challenges. Takin the results of this survey into consideration, we introduced a new personnel handling system in fiscal 2023 that emphasizes contribution based on role and performance. Furthermore, in order to support our employees in realizing long-term careers, we are introducing an internal secondment system and an internal recruitment system beginning in fiscal 2024.
In fiscal 2023, we conducted engagement surveys at global Group companies, and renumeration and benefits as well as education and training were identified as key issues. We are formulating action plans based on the results of the surveys at each company, and we are working to improve employee engagement across the entire Daifuku Group.

  FY2021 FY2023
Employee Engagement Survey* Domestic Group Companies
Job satisfaction: 56%, ease of work: 51% (percentage of positive responses)
Global Group Companies Job satisfaction: 70%, ease of work: 76% (percentage of positive responses)
  • *Work engagement was measured by an engagement survey utilizing tools from an external consulting firm. An analysis was performed based on 12 indicators, comparing data from domestic and overseas companies on job satisfaction and ease of work.

Workstyle reform

Our approach to workstyle reform is to stive to improve engagement through the following action policies: (1) implement initiatives based on a review of engagement survey results, (2) promote work-life balance, and (3) realize flexible work style based on the characteristics of each job type. In the seven years since the Workstyle Reform Committee was established, the average monthly overtime hours have decreased by approximately 30%, and the paid leave usage rate has also increased by about 20%.

Paid leave acquisition rateKPI
  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Paid leave acquisition rate 73.3% 78.9% 78.5%
Major initiatives for FY2023
  • Utilize mobile work and remote work systems
  • Improve operational efficiency through electronification and integration of information using digital technology
  • Encourage employees to take paid leave by visualizing paid leave plans and results
  • Implement measure to improve employee engagement (promote communication between supervisors and subordinates through morning meetings, etc.)
  • Implement training for managers on improving workplace issue, and more

Remote work system

In fiscal 2021, we officially introduced a remote work system at the company. This system can be used to improve work efficiency, productivity, and work-life balance.

Enhancement of systems for diverse workstyles

To improve the quality of work and life of all employees and enable the sustainable development of the Group, we are promoting initiatives towards a work-life balance. In accordance with revisions to the Labor Standards Act and the Act on Childcare Leave/Caregiver Leave, as well as the enactment of the Act on the Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace, we are revising our personnel system to accommodate diverse workstyles and promote their use.

For an overview of benefits, please see here. (Japanese only)

Main systems
  System Content
Employee refreshment Flex-time system We introduced a flex-time system to increase time consciousness through self-management, improve efficiency and productivity, and promote work-life balance.
Leaving work on time We designate every Wednesday as Health Day and encourages employees to leave work on time.
We promote this through an internal communications and regularly checking offices.
Planned paid leave system We encourage employees to take three days of paid leave (five or more continuous days including the weekend) between June and September every year. We monitor paid leave at the company with the union and aim for 100% acquisition rate.
Long leave system We have introduced a long leave system so that each employee can take a maximum of 60 accumulated days of leave for volunteer activities, treatment of non-occupational injuries, childcare, family care, and nursing care.
Refreshment leave We grant employees 20 continuous days of leave, including Saturdays and Sundays, to employees that turn 50 years old so that they can temporarily leave their work, design their future life plan, and return refreshed to their work.
Childcare support Maternity leave (employee's childbirth) 6 weeks before childbirth (14 weeks for multiple pregnancy), 8 weeks after childbirth
Paternity leave (spouse gives birth) 2 days when the employee's spouse gives birth
Childcare leave system Up to the end of the month in which the child turns 1 year old.
(It is possible to extend the term up to 1 year and 6 months of age if daycare service is unavailable. The term can be extended up to 2 years of age if daycare service is still unavailable at the 1 year 6 months point.)
System supporting early return to work after childcare leave For employees who have returned to work early after taking childcare leave (not to exceed 11 months following childbirth) and are making use of a childcare service for a child under 1 year, we assist them with the associated costs.
Shortened workday system In cases where an employee is raising a child who has not yet reached the end of the third grade of elementary school, a shortened workday schedule can be applied for up to six years (otherwise, a flextime system with no set core time can be applied).
Sick childcare leave For a child in the third grade of elementary school or younger who is being treated for an illness, childcare leave can be taken for five days a year (for two or more children, 10 days a year). Earnings in full day or on an hourly basis are possible.
Job Return Entry System For employees who have retired for reasons of childcare, the company offers opportunities for re-employment under certain specific conditions.
Other We offer a system to support the cost of babysitting services, and a system offering information on entering a childcare facility or using outsourced welfare services.
Support for family care Family care leave system A maximum of 1 year is available to provide care for a family member.
Shortened workday system For employees who are caring for a family member, a shortened workday program can be applied for up to three years (otherwise, a flextime system with no set core time can be used).
Family care leave 5 days per family member requiring care. 10 days if the employee has 2 or more family members requiring care (earnings in full day or on an hourly basis are possible).
Job Return Entry System For employees who have retired for reasons related to family health care, the company offers opportunities for re-employment under certain specific conditions.
Remote work system (based on caregiver leave regulations) Employees may work at home for up to one year for each family member requiring nursing care.
Support for balancing work with childcare and nursing care
Handbook for Balancing Work and Nursing Care

Handbook for Balancing
Work and Nursing Care

To support employees who are raising children or caring for family members while working as well as those who may do so in the future, we publish easy-to-understand content on our internal network about company systems that support a healthy work-life balance and how to use them. We have prepared a Maternity Leave Handbook, a Handbook for Balancing Work and Nursing Care, and a Guidebook of Support Systems for Nursing Care, all of which can be accessed at any time. Additionally, in fiscal 2022, we invited an external expert to hold a seminar on learning key points to balancing work and nursing care as well as some basic knowledge of the nursing care insurance system. This seminar was attended by 86 people.

Promotion of Health and Productivity Management

We are working on a variety of measures having identified health issues and visualized the means and specific initiatives to solve them. In terms of lifestyle improvement and disease prevention, we set KPIs and aim to achieve our targets.

Strategy map of Health and Productivity Management

Strategy map of Health and Productivity Management
*Clicking on an image brings up a new window.
Main initiatives Details
Prevention of lifestyle-related diseases and cancer
  • Regular health checkups and follow-up on the results
    • Additional colon and stomach cancer screening for employees aged 35 and older
    • Prostate cancer screening for male employees over age 50
    • Health insurance union subsidized physical examinations, women's cancer screening (breast cancer and cervical cancer)
    • Recommendations for medical examinations and lifestyle guidance by industrial physicians and public health nurses are provided for diagnosed persons
Prevention, early detection, and return-to-work support for mental health problems
  • Stress checks conducted once a year; interviews with industrial physicians conducted for those who wish them
  • Self-care seminars and workplace improvement seminars for managers
  • Mid-career hires and transferees interviewed by public health nurses
  • Support for employees on leave from work until their return, and follow-up after their return
Early detection and prevention of serious dental cavities and periodontal disease
  • Dental checkups, including tooth brushing instruction, during regular health checkups
  • Educational activities on dental and oral health
Support to quit smoking
  • Raise awareness of the effects of passive smoking and the health hazards of smoking through in-house newsletters, e-learning, etc.
  • Assistance with the cost of a stop smoking program using anti-smoking medications (FY2023 results: 24 participants and 9 ex-smokers quit)
  • Organize events to mark World No-Tobacco Day
Measures against infectious diseases
  • Flu vaccination at each office subsidized by the health insurance union
  • Rubella antibody testing at regular health checkups

KPIs for lifestyle improvement and disease prevention

  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Rate of people staying optimal weight* 64.0% 64.8% 64.3% 64.8% 67% or higher
Rate of habitual exercise 21.4% 22.6% 25.3% 25.4% 27% or higher
Adequate rest through sleep 69.9% 68.4% 69.7% 68.7% 70% or higher
Rate of regular health check-ups 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Rate of full medical exam (secondary exam) 70.2% 71.2% 69.3% 66.7% 100%
Completion rate for health care instructions 36.1% 44.7% 47.2% 56.9% 50% or higher
Rate of persons with lifestyle diseases 65.0% 62.7% 59.2% 61.3% 58% or less
Alcohol consumption habits 56.7% 55.5% 54.9% 54.5% 53% or less
Rate of smokers 26.1% 25.2% 24.8% 24.4% 23% or less
  • *BMI between 18.5 and 24.9.

Maintaining high rate of stress check testingKPI

  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Maintaining high rate of stress check testing 96.7% 99.3% 99.4%

Coordination with industrial physicians and public health nurses

Industrial physicians and public health nurses meet with employees at the company with findings from the results of regular health checkups to provide health counseling and guidance. For employees at offices throughout Japan and stationed outside of Japan, public health nurses conduct individual interviews online to provide consultation on lifestyle and health issues. Moreover, for the purpose of early detection of employees with mental health problems, all transferees, assignees, new employees, and mid-career hires are interviewed by public health nurses, giving them an opportunity to talk about any worries or anxieties they may be experiencing at their new workplaces.

Raising awareness for better health

Lunch Walk

Walking events that use trails within the facility premises are held at Shiga Works twice a month during lunch breaks. A total of 7,746 people participated in fiscal 2023. Various walking events are also held at other locations.

Seminars and events

Every year, we hold company-wide development seminars related to lifestyle improvement and disease prevention. In addition, each of our locations organizes and holds a variety of events with the intention of establishing exercise habits among employees.

Release of the Mental and Physical Health Promotion Committee website

We have released a website for our Mental and Physical Health Promotion Committee on our internal network. This website aims to disseminate health-related information as well as company initiatives to Group employees in Japan.

Addressing health issues specific to women

We have begun a health support initiative for female employees as a way to further enhance the quality of health management and improve the long-term utilization and engagement of human resources. In fiscal 2022, a seminar by an external expert was held in order to deepen understanding of women’s life stages and health issues. As for systems, the coverage of purposes for which unused paid leave may be used has been expanded to include fertility treatment and treatment for menopausal symptoms. Additionally, the term “menstrual leave” was changed to “care leave” in order to improve presenteeism by lowering the psychological hurdle for taking this leave.

Improvement in working environment

To guard against heatstroke and improve working conditions, we have introduced air-conditioned clothing for machine operators.

Massage room

We have set up a massage room for employees, with the aim of promoting health by focusing on recovering from fatigue and alleviating stress. We also have in-house physiotherapists available for employees to use, in an effort to expand the employment of people with disabilities.

Freedom of association and collective bargaining

The Daifuku Group recognizes and supports the freedom of association and the exercise of collective bargaining rights by our employees. The Daifuku Labor Union (formed in February 1948) covers all domestic employees apart from managers and those who are stipulated in the labor-management agreement. As of March 31, 2024, there were 2,896 union members, and the unionization rate of employees is 75.2%.* Since the union was formed, labor-management relations have been very amicable, with management and labor union representatives holding regular consultations as well as cooperating together in efforts to develop Daifuku’s business.

  • *Calculations include Contec Co., Ltd.

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Daifuku Labor Union Organization Chart
Daifuku Labor Union organization chart

Major labor-management talks (FY2023)

  Times held Main issues
Regular labor-management talks 12
  • Confirmation of the Group's business status
  • Sharing of information on discussions at board and executive committee meetings
Extraordinary labor-management talks 2
  • Negotiations over wages and bonus amount
Labor-management special committees 11
  • Discussion of various systems, including the personnel system


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