Education and Awareness-Raising Activities

The Daifuku Group is committed to fostering the awareness of each and every employee through educational activities and in-house events in order to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

Raising Awareness About Sustainability

Global Sustainability Meetings

In order to promote sustainability management throughout the entire Group, we hold the Global Sustainability Meeting to discuss and share information about ESG issues with our global subsidiaries. In fiscal 2023, meetings were held once in person and twice online. The meeting was also held in person in April 2024, and a total of 135 people, including officers and executives from our global subsidiaries, gathered to share information about each company’s initiatives and deepen mutual understanding.

Rank-based training

Lectures and workshops on sustainability are held by job level for new hires, mid-career employees, and mid-level employees.

Organizing seminars with experts

In fiscal 2022 and 2023, we held seminars with experts, focusing on themes such as SDGs courses and the integration of business and SDGs. The seminars were recorded, and the videos are available on our internal network for employees to access at any time.

Communication through comics

We distribute comics to inform our employees about our company policies, the importance of sustainability, and the state of society in an accessible and easy-to-understand manner. In fiscal 2023, we distributed a dice-game comic on the Daifuku Environmental Vision 2050, which was revised in May 2023. These comics, along with other archived content, are available in multiple languages and posted on the company network so that they can be accessed by Group employees at any time.

Raising Awareness about Environmental Issues

Daifuku Sustainability Action Program

In order to make environmental contributions more accessible, Daifuku established its Daifuku Eco-Action Program in fiscal 2012, which awards points to employees for participating in environmental activities. A variety of activities and events are offered through the program, and in fiscal 2023, a total of 12,141 people participated in volunteer and environmental learning activities. Through this program, employees can exchange the points they earned for environmentally friendly products and other rewards. Daifuku also donates a monetary amount proportionate to the total number points gained by employees to external organizations. In fiscal 2023, the program was renamed as the Daifuku Sustainability Action Program, and we are working to expand the scope of our activities to include social contribution activities in addition to environmental activities.

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Daifuku Eco-Action Program

Daifuku Sustainability Action events (examples)

Program Content / Description FY2023
total number of participants
Eco Field Report Learn about the environment through experiences at nature parks, zoos, museums, environmental facilities, etc. 353 people
Sustainability Quiz Quizzes are published in the internal newsletter. Disseminate information about the environment and deepen the understanding of related topics 7,200 people
Environment-oriented household account book Allows data entry on usage of electricity, water, etc. for better visualization and to raise awareness of energy conservation 77 people
Eco-Photo Contest Group employees are encouraged to submit photos they have taken of the natural environment. Selected submissions receive gold, silver, or bronze awards 319 people
Eco Trip An initiative to encourage people to travel by train, bus, or on foot instead of using a car for everyday activities such as shopping or trips 187 people

Number of participants

FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Total number of participants (non-unique) 11,608 people 10,132 people 12,141 people


In fiscal 2023, Daifuku made the following donations as part of the Daifuku Sustainability Action Program.

Recipient Amount Content
Shiga Prefectural Lake Biwa Museum (ongoing, 12th year) 1,000,000 yen
(previous year: 1,000,000 yen)
Environmental training, environmental activities, support for museum operations, support for aquatic display restoration.
The Nature Conservation Society of Japan (ongoing, 5th year) 150,000 yen
(previous year: 150,000 yen)
Conducting surveys and research on nature and conservation, as well as various programs designed to spread awareness of the importance of protecting nature.
Japan Environmental Education Forum*(ongoing, 3rd year) 1,000,000 yen
(previous year: 1,000,000 yen)
Conducting overseas tree-planting activities by establishing a tropical rainforest creation fund through donations in order to promote afforestation.
Japan Conference for 2030 Global Biodiversity Framework (ongoing, 2nd year) 640,000 yen
(previous year: 440,000 yen)
Implementing initiatives to achieve domestic biodiversity-related strategies, etc., through collaboration and cooperation among various stakeholders in industry, academia, government, and the private sector.
Shiga Prefecture (Japan Games and National Sports Festival for People with a Disability) (new) 500,000 yen One of the largest sporting events in Japan, held annually in rotation by each prefecture. The event will be held in Shiga Prefecture in 2025, and donations will be used to train the next generation of athletes and para-athletes as well as for projects to improve tournament venues.
  • *Previously, we had been making donations through the National Land Afforestation Promotion Organization, but as of fiscal 2023, with the authorization of the National Land Afforestation Promotion Organization, we have begun making direct donations.


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