Sorting and Picking Systems

In the logistics industry, consumers are demanding quicker and more accurate delivery capabilities, such as the same-day shipment of e-commerce, in addition to multi-item and small lot delivery services. Whether deployed in a manual or fully-automated operation, Daifuku's sorting and picking systems enable electronic communication to workers or equipment regarding the location and amount of inventory to be distributed or stored. We have years of experience providing customized sorting and picking systems that are fast, efficient and accurate.

Manufacturing and Distribution

Voice-Directed Picking

Daifuku Intralogistics America designs and manufactures Vocollect's voice warehouse solution, which brings you the industry's leading end-to-end voice solution. Specifically designed to excel in challenging industrial-warehouse environments, it is precisely tailored to your specific distribution center needs.

As a certified Vocollect Solutions Partner, Daifuku is helping customers achieve a higher level of business performance through voice. This option helps transform your existing warehouse processes and systems by offering re-engineering opportunities to deliver the next generation of business results without putting your day-to-day operations at risk. Vocollect Voice integrates easily to fully leverage your existing operation, including your WMS / ERP systems and other IT infrastructure.

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Mobile Cart

Daifuku designs and manufactures Mobile Cart, which uses technology to create a rolling pick or put line, ideal for split-case or slow-moving SKUs typically stored on shelving. Easily integrated with any existing warehouse management system, this low-cost-of-entry mobile system facilitates growth and reconfiguration for seasonal spikes and changes in demand. Efficient path-control algorithms allow fast and efficient real-time order selection or consolidation.

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Daifuku provides outstanding picking efficiencies in a variety of warehouse, DC and manufacturing applications. The Put-to-light system delivers high efficiency SKU sortation or consolidation of orders. These versatile systems are easily configured to allow a SKU to be distributed to multiple stores, departments or orders. Multiple components of an order can be consolidated at shipping or packing. After a brief training period, usually less than half an hour, order picker productivity improves substantially.

Product is routed to a put-to-light zone by SKU. Lighted display modules are mounted on the face of the workstation to associate each put location with a display module. The picker scans the SKU of the product to be distributed, and a put indicator directs the picker to each target put location, along with the number of units required. Actions are reported in real-time to the system. The picker can indicate if an item was picked complete or incomplete and mark any backorder quantities. No put list is needed, so the picker's hands are free - thus speeding up the whole process.

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Daifuku provides outstanding efficiencies in a variety of warehouse and distribution center applications, Pick-to-light is the ideal order fulfillment system for fast-moving, full and split case picking operations. Driven by our advanced CAPS pick engine software, it uses CAPS Spectrum or CAPS Next hardware to ensure easy, modular installation and configuration.

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Pick-to-Light Digital Pick

Daifuku's pick-to-light digital pick system queues workers to pick items in accordance with the digital indicator on a rack or shelf. It can integrate with standard shelving, an automated storage & retrieval system (AS/RS), conveyor, overhead monorail and sorting transfer vehicle (STV) and is effective for case and piece picking.

Put-to-Light Digital Assort

Daifuku's put-to-light system queues workers of where to put items on a rack or shelf. Designed as a space-efficient, economical method for consolidating orders for small parts, it supports high-speed manual sortation with near 100% accuracy. Our put-to-light system can integrate with AS/RS, conveyor, overhead monorail and STV.

Trap Arm Sorter

For lower sort rate applications, Daifuku offers a trap arm sorter. The arm diverts the product from the sort conveyor onto a powered or non-powered 90-degree take-away conveyor. This diverter changes the orientation of the product from the sortation conveyor through the take-away by 90 degrees.

High-Speed Jet Surfing Sorter Conveyor

Daifuku's sliding-shoe sorter, named the Jet Surfing Sorter, is a high-speed automated sortation system for channeling and sorting medium size items, totes, and cartons. Operating at speeds up to 165 m/min. (541 ft./min.). Daifuku's Jet Surfing Sorter can process as many as 13,500 pieces per hour for a 450 mm (17.7 in.) load length. Bi-directional shoes allow items to be offloaded to both sides of the sorter, improving space efficiency while providing greater design flexibility. Loads are tracked on the sorter using pulse mode tracking and are then diverted using mechanical or magnetic actuators. Our Jet Surfing Sorter for input uses a high-speed merge conveyor, sorting shoes for diverting loads, and a variety of sort lane conveyors to maximize sorting efficiency. This product can be installed on floor or mezzanines - to preserve floor space for operations. Surfing sorters are recommended for:

  • Case and tray sortation in distribution centers
  • Sortation within a conveyor system to other conveyors or storage devices
  • Sortation to dock doors
  • Simple to complex sortation within an automated system

Pusher Sorter

For medium sort rate applications, Daifuku offers a pusher sorter that diverts the product from the sort conveyor onto a powered or non-powered 90-degree or parallel take-away conveyor. For parallel take-away applications, this diverter will change the orientation of the product by 90 degrees.

Bow Arm Sorter

For lower sort rate applications, Daifuku offers a bow arm sorter. The bowed face of the arm diverts the product from the sort conveyor onto a powered or non-powered 45-degree take-away conveyor. This diverter will maintain the orientation of the product from the sortation conveyor through the take-away.

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Flat Face Arm Sorter

Flat face arm sorters are designed and manufactured by Daifuku. Daifuku's High Speed Flat Face Arm Sorter is precision timed to swing out and make contact with the product to be sorted at a controlled rate of acceleration to provide a gentle sweeping divert action. Its flexibility and effectiveness in handling and separating make it the ideal sorter for a wide range of packaged goods and materials.

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MB30 Sorter and MB90 Sorter

Multi-belt sorters are designed and manufactured by Daifuku. With fast conveyor speeds and design features that produce high sort rates, Daifuku's multi-belt sorters MB30 and MB90 meet demanding sortation requirements for speed and accuracy. Instead of one wide belt, these sorters efficiently transport product over the surface of multiple smaller belts. Each of these belts has an individual take-up, creating proper tension across all the belts.

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Sliding Shoe Sorter

With energy absorbing pusher shoes, Daifuku's Sliding Shoe Sortation conveyor is a positive divert sorter that is designed to accurately track and gently sort all types of carton sizes and configurations at high speeds. This heavy duty, resilient divert station supports a wide range of packaged product in virtually any mix, easily transporting products to designated divert stations with high throughput and minimal maintenance.

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