Maintain and Improve the Quality of Products and Services

  • 8. Decent work and economic growth
  • 12. Responsible consumption and production

In order to maintain the trust of our customers as the world’s top manufacturer of material handling systems and to provide the optimal and best solutions, it is essential that we continuously work to maintain and improve the quality of our products and services at all of our locations. In response to the diverse needs of our customers around the world, we will build an optimized global production system and conduct proper quality control and risk management in compliance with the standards applicable in each country and region.

Related Sustainable Development Goals and Targets

The following are the priority topics and their related Sustainable Development Goals and Targets for one theme of the Sustainability Action Plan: Maintain and Improve the Quality of Products and Services.

Priority topic Goal Target
Optimize production through globalization 8. Decent work and economic growth 8.3 Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services
Pursue product quality and safety 12. Responsible consumption and production 12.6 Encourage companies, especially large and transnational companies, to adopt sustainable practices and to integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle

FY2023 Achievements

The following are our fiscal 2023 achievements in each of the priority topics for the above theme of the Sustainability Action Plan, Maintain and Improve the Quality of Products and Services.

Sustainability Action Plan (PDF: 763KB)

FY2021-FY2023 Achievements of the Sustainability Action Plan (PDF: 539KB)

  • Materiality

Optimize production through globalization

  • 8. Decent work and economic growth

We are strengthening collaboration with subsidiaries outside of Japan and implementing specific measures to ensure production is in optimal locations. We are making steady progress toward the targets we have set.

KPIs Scope FY2023 targets FY2023 results
New and expanded production sites to achieve production in optimal conditions; other countermeasures Global
  • Build a procurement network globally and share production technology
  • Strengthen ability to respond at global subsidiaries (in sales through production and service)
  • Optimally distribute production through consolidation and in-sourcing
  • Established a global supply chain for key components of pallet-based products to switch to manufacturing outside of Japan
  • Introduced a framework for sharing project information between the sales department and the production, installation, and service departments in order to centrally manage global subsidiary operations
  • Enhanced responsiveness (development, design, production, etc.) through personnel training at global subsidiaries
  • Consolidated and streamlined factories to ensure optimal local and in-house production for each product

Construction of new plants

Completed new plant in China
Completed new plant in China

In fiscal 2023, Daifuku (Suzhou) Cleanroom Automation Co., Ltd., which handles sales and manufacturing of transport systems for LCD and semiconductor plants in Suzhou, China, relocated and began operations at a newly built headquarters and plant. The site has an area of approximately 31,000m2 and a total floor area of approximately 37,000m2, and this new facility is expected to increase production capacity by about 1.4 times that of the previous. The facility was built based on the concepts of progressiveness, energy conservation, CO2 emissions reduction, and social contribution, and it includes a display line for customers, a large-scale photovoltaic system on the roof, and a work environment that contributes to employee productivity.

Rendering of new plant in India
Rendering of new plant in India

We have also begun construction in Telangana, India, on a new plant for Daifuku Intralogistics India Private Limited, which designs and manufactures overall logistics systems. The plant is scheduled for completion in December 2024. Once completed, it will produce automated warehouses, high-speed transport vehicles, conveyors, sorters, and other products. This new facility is expected to increase production capacity by about four times that of the current plant.

  • Materiality

Pursue product quality and safety

  • 12. Responsible consumption and production

While we achieved our targets for the number of serious accidents related to product or system safety and number of employees who obtain safety assessor credentials, we fell slightly short of our target for the ratio of ISO 9001 integrated certification at production sites.

Occupational Safety and Health

Quality Assurance

KPIs Scope FY2023 targets FY2023 results
Number of serious accidents related to product or system safety*1 Global 0 occurrences 0 occurrences
Rate of ISO 9001 global multi-site certification*2 in production sites 65% 64%
Number of employees who obtain safety assessor credentials*3 Japan 220 people 237 people
  • *1Accidents caused by the malfunction of our products or systems during operations leading to death or serious illness and/or injury (illness or injury requiring 30 days or more of treatment)
  • *2Carrying out reviews based on unified standards under the same schedule and certification authority, and obtaining and maintaining certification
  • *3Credentials meant chiefly for designers that certify knowledge and abilities in the field of safety based on international safety standards


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