Enhance Operational Framework
As our business continues to globalize, in order to fulfill our social responsibility to our diverse stakeholders, it is important that the entire Group, including our subsidiaries outside of Japan, work to strengthen our management base. For the Group to balance business operations and social responsibility, we are working on strengthening Group governance and risk management.
Related Sustainable Development Goals and Targets
The following are the priority topics and their related Sustainable Development Goals and Targets for one theme of the Sustainability Action Plan: Enhance Operational Framework.
Priority topic | Goal | Target | |
Strengthen governance | ― | ― | ― |
Ensure compliance | 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions | 16.5 | Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms |
Manage risk | 11. Sustainable cities and communities | 11.b | By 2020, substantially increase the number of cities and human settlements adopting and implementing integrated policies and plans towards inclusion, resource efficiency, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, resilience to disasters, and develop and implement, in line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030, holistic disaster risk management at all levels |
Ensure responsible procurement in the supply chain | 8. Decent work and economic growth | 8.7 | Take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labour in all its forms |
12. Responsible consumption and production | 12.5 | By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse | |
13. Climate action | 13.2 | Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning | |
17. Partnerships for the goals | 17.16 | Enhance the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development, complemented by multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilize and share knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources, to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in all countries, in particular developing countries | |
Strengthen information security | ― | ― | ― |
Ensure transparent information disclosure and strategic communication | 17. Partnerships for the goals | 17.16 | Enhance the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development, complemented by multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilize and share knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources, to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in all countries, in particular developing countries |
FY2023 Achievements
The following are our fiscal 2023 achievements in each of the priority topics for the above theme of the Sustainability Action Plan, Enhance Operational Framework.
Sustainability Action Plan (PDF: 763KB)
FY2021-FY2023 Achievements of the Sustainability Action Plan (PDF: 539KB)
Strengthen governance
To improve the effectiveness of the Board of Directors, we will continue to utilize the PDCA cycle to improve the issues identified in questionnaires and interviews. For fiscal years 2021 through 2023, we reached our goal of 300 total audits. We will continue to conduct audits using a risk-based approach, and we will strive to improve the quality of our audits.
KPIs | Scope | FY2023 targets | FY2023 results |
Improving the effectiveness of the Board of Directors | Global | Carry out efforts to improve effectiveness |
Enhancing internal perceptions | Implement measures to propagate the Group Code of Conduct globally |
Carrying out sound internal audits | Carry out internal audits in Japanese business units and global subsidiaries (total 300 cases, 3 years) and maintain compliance with internal evaluations |
Efforts to improve the effectiveness of the Board of Directors
We regularly review the composition and operations of the Board of Directors and annually assess its effectiveness. By addressing issues identified from the results of the assessment, we strive to continuously strengthen the functions and improve the effectiveness of the Board. For the fiscal 2023 Board of Directors effectiveness assessment, we sent a questionnaire to all directors (10) and all auditors (4), and interviews were conducted with one representative director and five outside directors. To ensure the objectivity and independence of the evaluation, we obtain the assistance of an external evaluation organization at key points in the assessment process.
Ensure compliance
In fiscal 2023, we conducted an e-learning course on respect for human rights in corporate activities as well as a comprehension test to review past training courses on bribery, entertainment and gift-giving, and competition law. There was a total of 8,636 participants throughout the entire Group. Course materials were made available in 10 different languages to improve participants’ understanding.
KPIs | Scope | FY2023 targets | FY2023 results |
Carrying out anti-corruption training | Global | Carry out training and follow-ups for Japanese and global parties with authority to accept and place orders |
Manage risk
Significant risks that could affect the achievement of our management objectives are discussed and managed across the organization, led by the Risk Management Committee which is chaired by the President and CEO. In fiscal 2023, we conducted a company-wide risk assessment and identified significant risks. The committee met a total of five times to discuss issues and responses to the identified risks as well as decide on response policies and other matters.
KPIs | Scope | FY2023 targets | FY2023 results |
Implementing countermeasures against major risks | Global |
Ensure responsible procurement in the supply chain
In fiscal 2023, we completely revised the CSR Procurement Standards, which were established in 2017, and formulated the Sustainable Procurement Guidelines as a new standard for sustainable procurement activities. In order to disseminate these guidelines throughout the entire supply chain and identify and mitigate risks in the supply chain and with our business partners, we distributed explanatory videos to and requested agreement from our business partners. In fiscal 2024, we began requesting that our business partners respond to a self-assessment questionnaire (SAQ), and based on the results of the responses, we will identify risks and provide support for improvement.
KPIs | Scope | FY2023 targets | FY2023 results |
Establishing a CSR procurement system and expanding the range of operations | Global | Review CSR Procurement Standards and formulate new guidelines to be applied in Japan and abroad |
Strengthen information security
In fiscal 2023, we conducted information security education and e-mail training in accordance with our targets. Educational tools were made available in multiple languages, and the entire Group, including subsidiaries outside of Japan, were engaged.
Strengthening information security
KPIs | Scope | FY2023 targets | FY2023 results |
Number of global information security education sessions | Global | 4 sessions + follow-up training | 4 sessions + follow-up training (e-learning) |
Number of global e-mail training sessions | 4 sessions | 4 sessions |
Ensure transparent information disclosure and strategic communication
We achieved our targets, including ESG-related targets, for the amount of dialogue with shareholders and investors. In terms of community contribution activities, a working team has been promoting activities based on annual activity plans, and more measures and events were carried out than in fiscal 2022.
KPIs | Scope | FY2023 targets | FY2023 results |
Number of companies with which dialogue meetings were held | Global | 1,200 companies (ESG-related: 20 companies) |
1,232 companies (ESG-related: 85 companies) |
Enhancing communication with stakeholders | Japan |