Disclosure Policy

1. Basic policy

Daifuku Group ( the “Group” ) shall ensure appropriate information disclosure on a timely basis, in accordance with the fundamental principle, “We will disclose accurate corporate information timely and fairly, and ensure transparency,” defined in its Group Code of Conduct. The Group has established the Disclosure Committee as an internal organization for this purpose, which consolidates information related to disclosure.

The Group shall proactively disclose information that it judges to be useful for ensuring that it is understood, even if the disclosure of such information is not required by the relevant legislation or the Timely Disclosure Rules of the stock exchange.

2. Disclosure method

Daifuku discloses information whose disclosure is required by the Timely Disclosure Rules via the Timely Disclosure Network ( TDnet ) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. In principle, Daifuku put materials in boxes at securities press clubs in Tokyo and Osaka. Disclosed information shall also be posted promptly on the Daifuku website.

Daifuku shall also disclose on its website any information that it judges to be useful for ensuring that it is understood, even if the disclosure of such information is not required by the Timely Disclosure Rules.

3. Prevention of insider trading

The Group shall handle internal information with great care in compliance with a fundamental principle, “We will strictly manage non-public information ( insider information ),” defined in the Group Code of Conduct. The Group has also established rules for preventing insider trading, and it shall focus its efforts on the training of officers and employees to ensure the appropriate operation of the rules.

4. Quiet period

To prevent the leakage of financial results and thereby ensure fairness, the Group has designated a quiet period that starts on the day immediately following the closing day of each quarter and ends on the day of the earnings announcement for that quarter. During this period, the Group refrains from making comments or responding to inquiries about its financial results. In the event that the results are expected to differ substantially from previously released forecasts during the quiet period, however, the Group discloses information in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules.

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Organizations for Timely Disclosure
Organizations for Timely Disclosure


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