Bringing Work-Style Reform to the Transportation Industry with Large-Vehicle Car Wash Machines

In April 2024, Japan instituted annual overtime caps for drivers in the logistics industry. To aid with the impending work-style reform, Daifuku is promoting its large-vehicle car wash machines to help reduce the time and effort drivers spend on washing vehicles.

Addressing concerns about driver shortages and reduced transportation capacity

In Japan, the logistics industry faces a significant challenge due to a shortage of drivers. Across all industries, the average job openings-to-applicants ratio is 1.2*. For motor vehicle operators, however, the ratio is 2.7, highlighting a variety of factors adding to hiring difficulties. The Work Style Reform Act and revisions to the Standards for Improving the Working Hours of Automobile Drivers also took effect in April 2024. These new regulations resulted in the maximum overtime work for drivers being regulated to 960 hours per year. This has created a significantly better work environment for drivers, however it has also given rise to concerns about logistics flow. The national Study Group for Realizing Sustainable Logistics reported that a trucking capacity shortage of 34.1%, equivalent to 940 million tons of goods not being transported, could arise by 2030.

  • * As of November 2023, according to the Statistics on Employment Security Operations released by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

Compared with other industries in Japan, the logistics industry has traditionally been criticized for its longer hours and more excessive workloads, highlighting the urgent need for proactive promotion of work-style reforms for drivers. In response to these major changes in the logistics industry, Daifuku is dedicated to developing and providing solutions that help drivers reduce their work hours and workload while also offering high environmental performance.

Significantly reducing driver workload with high-efficiency car wash machines

Daifuku’s Camion Custom
large-vehicle car wash machine

In Japan, most drivers are responsible for washing their trucks after their shifts, a process usually done by hand. Due to the size of the vehicles, this task requires a significant amount of time and effort. At one distribution center, drivers would generally go to a gas station near their office after work to wash their trucks by hand. The washing could easily take an hour or so, and after factoring in travel and wait times, drivers could spend up to two hours washing their trucks. Designed to reform this workstyle, Daifuku’s Camion Custom large-vehicle car wash machine offers high-efficiency washing to help reduce the time and effort spent on washing.

The most notable feature of the Camion Custom system is one of the industry’s shortest wash times. With the system’s Water Course, the wash is completed in only 3 minutes and 55 seconds*, significantly less time than the hour or so needed to wash the truck by hand. This eliminates the labor and greatly reduces the time drivers must spend when washing their vehicles. “This situation has led to an increase in inquiries about our large-vehicle car wash machines as a potential solution for work-style reform in the logistics industry,” says Shinichiro Tochinai, manager of the CA Sales Department at Daifuku Plusmore Co., Ltd., the Daifuku Group company engaged in sales and after-sales service of Daifuku car wash machines.

  • * For washing a 10-ton truck with a 12 m body

The Camion Custom has resulted in improved operations at distribution centers where the system has been adopted. A representative from one such center said, “Drivers were spending a significant amount of time washing their trucks—an incidental task that took at least 30 minutes after returning to the sales office. Since adopting Daifuku’s car wash machine, we have been able to significantly reduce the time spent washing vehicles, which has helped us reform our workstyle.”

Helping to improve work environments and ensure effective recruiting

Compared with washing by hand, the large-vehicle car wash machine helps produce stable wash results, improve turnover by reducing time spent washing, and ensure the safety of drivers, who no longer have to go up high to wash the tops of large vehicles.

Daifuku has received a variety of comments regarding the advantages offered by large-vehicle car wash machines. Such comments include, “Introducing car wash machines has improved the work environment for drivers, eliminating strenuous manual labor,” and, “Having a large-vehicle car wash machine makes it easier to attract personnel, as they are impressed by our commitment to a driver-friendly work environment.”

Minimizing environmental impact and cost through reduced water consumption

Environmentally friendly through reduced water consumption

The Camion Custom’s high water-saving efficiency significantly contributes to environmental impact reduction. By using only the amount of water necessary for the washing area, the Water Course consumes just 150 liters per vehicle*. This is considerably less than the typical 200 liters used for a household bath. Such water-saving operation not only helps reduce the amount of energy needed, including for wastewater treatment; significantly reducing carbon emissions, but also helps reduce costs. Moreover, the use of plant-derived, biodegradable cleaning fluids also contributes to a reduced environmental impact.

  • * For washing a 10-ton truck with a 12 m body

Using automatic cleaning for new areas of improvement

The Daifuku Group’s Auto Wash business remains dedicated to developing and providing products that help improve work efficiency and work environment. This means carefully analyzing automatic cleaning-related needs, business environment shifts, and other issues affecting the transportation industry. We are always looking for new ways to solve customer issues by utilizing the automatic-washing technology developed through our various car wash machines.

Introduction to the Camion Custom large-vehicle car wash machine (Japanese language only)


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