Daifuku Report 2019

Co-Creating New ValueOur Business Manufacturing and Distribution SystemsFA&DA Factory & Distribution AutomationKanji Anno Managing Officer Factory & Distribution AutomationHouses: 16,750 palletsTotal length: 5.5 kmThroughput: 10,000 cases per hourLabor-saving distribution centerThe unit load automated storage and retrieval system (AS/RS), mini load AS/RS, picking system, high-speed automated sorting system and other equipment in this center are all Daifuku products, which control the flow of goods from receiving to shipping. We combine products and software that suit different customer needs to achieve labor saving and efficiency improvement.Daifuku provides storage, transport, sorting, and picking systems to manufacturers, including the food, pharmaceutical and machinery sectors, for their factories and to distributors for their delivery centers. We offer optimum logistics solutions comprising products selected from an extensive lineup to meet customers’ needs.Floor area: 36,673 sq.mSales by business FY2018Unit load AS/RSSorting transfer vehiclesMini load AS/RSHigh-throughput mini load AS/RS Conveyor systemPicking systemHigh-speed sorter24

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